Community Q&A

Community Q&A Alex K

How Can You Avoid Overstocking or Understocking My Products?

Managing inventory is one of the biggest challenges for makers and small business owners. Overstocking ties up cash and space, while understocking can lead to missed sales and disappointed customers. But with careful planning, you can find the sweet spot that ensures you meet demand without overspending on production or
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Community Q&A Alex K

What is the Best Way to Manage Returns and Refunds?

Handling returns and refunds can be demoralising and feel like a hassle, but they’re an inevitable part of any business. When managed well returns and refunds can build customer trust and loyalty. As difficult as it may feel, the key is to approach them as opportunities to strengthen your
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Community Q&A Alex K

What Networking Strategies Work Best for Introverted Creatives?

Networking can feel daunting, especially for introverted creatives who prefer solitude to social gatherings. However, building connections is crucial, if we want to grow our creative careers and expand our reach. The good news? There are networking strategies that align with an introvert's strengths. 3 Perspectives on Networking
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Community Q&A Alex K

What is Buyer Psychology, and How Can You Use It to Boost Sales?

In a world where most purchases happen online, it can be a challenge to understand why customers buy your products. It’s not enough to know what they like—you need to know, why they purchase in the first place. By tapping into buyer psychology, you can influence their decision-making
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Community Q&A Alex K

How Do You Handle Bad Reviews or Customer Complaints Online?

Negative feedback can feel like a punch in the gut, especially when you've poured your heart into something you're proud of. How do you respond to bad reviews or customer complaints in a way that builds trust and even strengthens relationships? Believe it or not, handling
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Community Q&A Alex K

How Do You Set Short-Term and Long-Term Business Goals?

How Do You Set Short-Term and Long-Term Business Goals? We're all guilty of setting goals with the best intentions—think of New Year's resolutions. But how well do you stick with them? That's a different story. If you’re feeling stuck or unsure about
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Community Q&A Alex K

How Do You Stay Inspired and Avoid Creative Burnout?

Ever feel like your inspiration has run dry or that you're stuck in a cycle of creative burnout? You're not alone. Every artist hits that wall where the creative spark dims, and finding the motivation to keep making feels impossible. But staying inspired doesn’t have
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Community Q&A Alex K

How Do You Build a Personal Brand as an Artist?

Scrolling through Instagram, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of people sharing similar creative work. It can be frustrating and make you wonder—how do others stand out? The answer lies in building a strong personal brand. Your brand is more than just a logo or
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Community Q&A Alex K

How Do You Price Your Work and Make A Profit?

Pricing is one of the trickiest parts of being creative. It’s not just about what it costs to make something but about finding the sweet spot that communicates value, while also keeping your business sustainable. Asking for money can feel uncomfortable, but knowing your worth—and being confident in
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